You Can Draw This with Chelsea Kirchoff

Wednesday, November 244:00—5:00 PMZoom

This free virtual event is open to those 11-18 years old. Do you find yourself overwhelmed with the idea of drawing? Do you not know where to begin? Does the idea of a white sheet of paper scare you? Then THIS is the class for YOU! "You Can Draw This" focuses on different tips, tricks, and techniques that anyone can pick up and use from the amateur to the master! For this program, you'll need a pencil (or pen if you're feeling bold) and a sheet of white paper. Over the course of an hour, we will learn drawing games, shading tips and techniques, talk about line and shape, and draw together. There's something for everyone during this drawing session and I hope you'll join us to take part!

Chelsea Kirchoff is a freelance illustrator currently residing near Detroit, Michigan. A graduate of the College for Creative Studies, she currently works as an educator, camp director, artist, and illustrator. Chelsea loves working with people from different walks of life to help them get back in touch with being creative and drawing. Drawing is something we all start out doing and she believes that we can all continue doing it. When she isn't drawing, she loves a good slice of pizza, a root beer, and Halloween.

Lane Memorial Library is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: You Can Draw This with Chelsea Kirchoff
Time: Nov 24, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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